The Perfect Fit: How to Measure Your Wrist Size When Buying a Watch

ARTICLE DATE 09/30/2013

When investing in a luxury watch, you not only want it to be the perfect fit for you, but you want it to fit perfectly as well!  Last week in The Perfect Fit: How to Measure Your Ring Size Before Ordering, we showed our readers how to measure their ring size as well as how a ring should feel and fit—and today, we do the same for watches.  In our view, it’s so much easier, faster and more convenient to know your wrist size before you order a watch so that when you receive the watch it is ready to wear.

How to measure the wrist

How to Measure Your Wrist Size When Buying a WatchThe key to the perfect watch fit is comfort and security.  A watch should fit loosely enough around your wrist so that it does not leave any kind of mark or indentation on your skin after you remove it. There should be enough room to fit your finger within the inside edge of the band at the small of your wrist. At the same time, you do not want the watch to be so loose that it constantly slides up and down your wrist.

Technically speaking, you do not want the watch to be able to slide more than 2 inches down your wrist while you are holding your arm perpendicular to the ground. And, ideally, the watch should be tight enough so as to not spin around allowing the watch face to fall to the side of your wrist during everyday wear.

At Gray & Sons, we want our customers to have the easiest and most enjoyable experience possible—they choose the watch they love, and receive it already perfectly fitted to their wrist.  How do we do this?  By having our customers measure their wrist size before ordering!

And now you too can measure your wrist size with our easy-to-use guide.  To make things even easier, it includes your own personal ruler so you can do the measurement on the spot.

To access our “Measuring the Perfect Wrist Size” guide, click here!